Chandipur, Odisha, India    (Nov 2022)        

Chandipur beach is unique for its remarkable flatness. At the lowest tide, the water recedes some five kilometers from the shore; you can stroll all the way out to the ocean's lip, barefoot on the fine, wet beachsand. When the tide comes closer to the shore, you can wade far into the ankle-deep sea, its calm waters reflecting the pale colors of sunset all around you. —Usha Alexander

A very unusual beach

Walk into the sea for miles

Super flat beach

Sea can recede 5 km
at low tide

Already far away from the
highest-tide mark

Stays ankle deep for long
(1, 2)

Flocks of birds in the

Chandipur sunset

Mid-day vista (more)

Sea has receded far

Catching small fish

Caught in the net

Ankle-deep all across

The mildest of waves

Chandipur sunset

Chandipur sunset


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